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Below are some selected publications and essays. For a list of recent scientific publications select here

Kiaris H. 2024. Biology as a construct: Universals, historicity, and the postmodern nature of biological sciences. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. In Press.


Kiaris H. (2023). [Commentary] Biology as a postmodern science: Universals, historicity, and context. Qeios. doi:10.32388/981956.


Kiaris H. The Chinese room argument in Plato’s Ion. Interface: Journal of European Languages and Literatures. Issue 21 (Summer 2023), pp. 59-68. DOI: 10.6667/interface.21.2023.201


Kiaris H. Plato’s Ion: An interpretation with a sociopolitical perspective. Advances in Literary Study. 2023; 11, 178-182.​


Kiaris H. If we live in a simulation, humanity is the glitch. Philosophy and Theology. 2023. DOI: 10.5840/philtheol2023331158  

Kiaris H. The end of selection as a driver of human evolution. (Anticipations). Futures 143; 103038, 2022.​


Kiaris H. Gene-driven Social Connectedness in the Divergence Between East and West. The Oriental Anthropologist. June 2022. doi:10.1177/0972558X221095184.


Kiaris H. Non-genetic linkage of personality traits and the divergence of Eastern and Western cultures: Association with Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. Culture and Brain (2022).

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